Almost to the date.
Sorry folks, I've been busy!
(And I say folks like there are people that read this... HA! If in fact you do, please say hello!)
See, wha' ha' happen was, we moved. Across time zones, from Lexington, KY to Jackson, TN. With two dogs. A job for my husband (his first post-collegiate, teaching job!). My last semester of college (!!!!).
As hard as it was to goodbye to all our friends in KY, I was glad to get out of Cat Country. I terribly miss IBC, the Young Married Class, Pulse, the weekly Bible studies, and the general fellowship I got to experience for a year. However, it was very nice to move back towards home, to people I have known for years, and to the church where my husband and I were married a year and a half ago. I was glad to finish school, finally, and to get everything behind me.
I feel so blessed for our time spent in Lexington. We spent our first year as husband and wife there, I had some fantastic times when I was subbing, and I know that God put us right where we needed to be.
I can say the same for being back home. We are near family (literally 5 minutes from my in-laws), I student taught (4-12 music), and learned so much. I even won an award- the Carl Seale Student Teacher Award- nominated by my teachers and selected by a committee in the College of Education! I was daggum proud of the work I did this semester and it feels very nice to be recognized. Now, the plan is to not disappoint later! And that whole find-a-job thing... I know that when the right position opens, God will put me there. One of my best friends from Lex was going through a job hunt; I looked up to her faith in those four months, and I just hope I can be as patient and as faithful as she was.
In my abundant time off (read: when I could not sleep at night), I re(-re-re)read Jane Eyre. Every time I have read the book, I find something to take away from it. This read through, I had to wait until the last chapter, and almost to the last page of the book, to find this gem:
"I know what it is to live entirely for and with what I love best on earth. I hold myself supremely blest-- blest beyond what language can express; because I am my husband's life as fully as he is mine."
This read was the first time since I married my man, and it might be more accurately put that it was the first time since before we started dating, many moons ago. When I read the book in high school and early college (both times, just because...) I did not have someone in that aspect of my life and, while her words were pretty and poetic, I could not relate. I now know what it is to live for someone, to know that they live for me, and that I will do anything in my power to let him know it, too.
Love you, Tony.
Ok, I'm out. Tony has been in bed for a few hours now, and the pups have been asleep for almost as long. I think I shall join them!
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